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You must want to know more about who I am, since you made it all the way to the 'About Me' Section. I could tell you about where I live,  where I went to school, or even where I grew up, but I find that 'jibber-jabber' awfully boring and down-right impersonal.


Instead, I'd like to informally introduce myself as a lover of fantasy and intellectual creator of illustrative design. My name is Lori Stebbins and it is a pleasure to meet you. Growing up, I always had a keen sense of imagination and spent a lot of time with my 'head in the clouds'. Through my years I have retained my child-like wonderment and sense of  imagination and personally believe that the world we live in is quite magical, it just depends on how you look at it.


I enjoy many things, and have a zest for life that most people would find quite overzealous. I try not to limit myself when it comes to skills and hobbies because I believe that 'play' is just as important as work.I am beyond passionate about the arts. It doesn't matter what creative activity it is, I enjoy it all. Though Illustration is my particular talent my heart still sings with enjoyment every time I see a person in that creative zone-- I absolutly love to see that inspiration in others. If I can inspire even one other person with my artwork I have  done my job. Sure I spend most of my time tethered to the computer with my tablet pen practically glued to my hand--but certainly worth it.


I draw something everyday, and produce sketches faster than I can upload them. I could spend more time uploading to the internet, but I find that most ideas are good ideas, but not all good ideas are great ideas. I try to reserve most of my effort to artworks that are of a higher importance to invest the time in refinement, coloration, and completion.

I hope you got to know me a little better. I am an artist driven by pure passion, who is constantly daydreaming of a better world in which we can all enjoy one another's creative company.


-Lori S.






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